Latest News
Hello & Welcome to ALL-
I am still alive, so Samsarra endures. New stuff soon, I promise. My deepest thanks to any and ALL who care about what I do.
I want to wish Any and All a VERY HAPPY WINTER HOLIDAY SEASON, Whatever your Faith may be.
These last two years have been rough on all of us. Although I don't know anyone who died of the Chinese Covid-19 Virus, I lost Family and Friends to other causes. I lost my Father, Grandmother and a close Cousin to health issues and several friends to suicide.
The "Masada" album is on hold, awaiting further tracking. Much has been done, but I need to find a couple of people to help me finish it, since I can't play guitar anymore after my stroke.
I have shifted my music focus to a series of e.p.'s (short albums) of 3-7 songs each which will be a mix of new material, cover songs and Old Stuff Re-recorded/Remixed. This series of albums will be entirely FREE here at the main website and will culminate in a physical pressing upon completion of the Trilogy.
Best Wishes
Santa Barbara, Ca
Hail and Welcome to All-
I deeply appreciate your time and interest in what I do.
Please pardon my long absence...
I have not had a Webmaster for over four years and I had VERY rough year in 2018.
I endured both a left hip replacement surgery in Thailand AND a near-fatal stroke in Jakarta, Indonesia during the Hammersonic Metal Festival- BOTH WITHIN 60 DAYS! I remain Stronger Than Death. I Endure.
Due to the lack of a Webmaster I have been unable to post Updates for OVER FOUR YEARS...My Apologies.
Samsarra is alive and well.
Due to WebMaster Tuomo (Finland) and his efforts-
This Site lives again.
Kiitos, Veljeni.
I managed to release a "new" single in 2017 and I am WELL underway with the recording of the 4th Samsarra album... All with the help of international Friends and Co-Workers.
The "new" single is "Sealed In Blood" old Lost unreleased studio track that I brought back to life by adding multiple vocal tracks while my Isreali friend Gal Besserman added a lead guitar part. Recordings done in Chonburi, Thailand at PJ Studios- we were the first people in that brand new studio- KOB KUN KOP MY FRIENDS!
Everything is WELL underway with the "Masada" recording- our third full-length release.
Thank you all.
More to come soon.
-Reverend Scott
Written in San Diego, USA
Greetings, Hail and Best Wishes to All who read this-
Most Human cultures have a December/Winter celebration, and I wish all of you Peace, Love and Prosperity during Our Holiday Celebrations, As well as a wonderful New Year.
I am EXTREMELY Proud to announce that I have begun pre-production on the next Samsarra album!!!
It has been six years and many surgeries since I last began pre-production for a new album - I have also beaten Oral Cancer since then!!! I anticipate a NEW ALBUM release sometime in 2017.
This new album will be a full-length release entitled "Masada", and will be available as a FREE DIGITAL DOWNLOAD here on My Official Site, among other places. I do this as a Thank You to everyone who has believed in me and supported me over these last fourteen years.
Of Course, it should also be on iTunes and Amazon for those awesome humans who wish to support Samsarra.
My deepest thanks to All who support what I do!
Stay tuned for updates.
-Reverend Scott
Written in Keelung, Taiwan
Hello, All-
I deeply Thank EVERYONE who stops by and cares about my Music.
I promise I have not retired.
I live in South-East Asia and have tried for 5 years to find musicians even vaguely capable of playing my music; the talent pool here is so shallow, I am at a loss. There simply are not ENOUGH people of the professional level required available to me here in Asia.
Even my own simple acoustic material is beyond most people's ability here.
I find myself explaining root/3RD/5th relationships to people-
AND THE 3-4 PEOPLE with the ability to play My Metal with me (IN A CITY OF 9 MILLION) ARE already in 3-4 bands.
I found some awesome people in Columbia 2-3 years ago, but we were not able to work out the logistics during my short time in South America.
I think I will have to put out an acoustic album next, playing almost everything myself- guitar/drums/vocals/etc...
BUT I am in Shanghai, China, just having seen Iron Maiden's first Tour here. My Faith in Music and Humanity has been restored. Music, especially Metal, Unites Us All.
Happy Birthday to Israel!!
-Reverend Scott
-Written in Shanghai, China
My Deepest Thanks to ALL who even come read what I write, listen to My Music, share it, buy it, whatever- THANK YOU FOR CARING!
Happy New Year, both Solar and Lunar Calenders, to ALL of you and Best Wishes for this Year-
Year Of The Fire Monkey.
I am currently Cancer-FREE!!!
It took me NINE YEARS to beat Oral Cancer.
Also dealing with Heart health issuesunder control.
I also had my jaw horribly broken in mid 2013, and I have been dealing with many issues from that. I have, more or less, had to Re-learn/Alter/Find New Ways to express my vocal style since then.
I guess in a Good Way- it forced to me to write and play more guitar.
I promise you new material soon:
I have secretly been working on a project with Gentlemen from Northern India on an Epic Prog-Rock song - to be finished and released by late April.
I have the next THREE Samsarra albums MOSTLY written and planned.
We should begin basic work for the new Samsarra Album in May, after I see Iron Maiden's FIRST EVER CHINA TOUR!!!
Again - Thank you ALL!!!
-The Reverend Scott Braden Schwartz
-Hanoi, Vietnam
Hello, All-
Thank you for stopping by. Please pardon my long unexcused absence. My life is FAR from easy.
I am currently cancer free, but still dealing with heart health issues. I have beaten cancer, but I am old and my heart is weak.
I deeply thank you all for your support over the last 12 years.
I have the next 3 albums mostly written and ready to record, BUT it is hard to find qualified musicians to help me complete them. I will keep searching.
Blessings upon you all.
And again- thank you all for your Belief.
-The Reverend Scott B. Schwartz
-09/04/2015- Hanoi, Vietnam
Welcome, All-
From the bottom of my blackened heart: Thank you All for stopping by and caring about what I do.
My heart breaks for the People of Israel and the children of Gaza in this difficult time. While I weep for the women and children of Gaza, I firmly Stand with Israel and her absolute right to defend herself. Hamas must be stopped and disarmed so that the People of the Gaza Strip may lead normal lives. This senseless conflict has gone on for FAR too long- Israel and the Gaza Strip MUST be freed from the violent extremism of Hamas.
I know it has been two and a half years since the release of "Coming Forth By Day"- never fear, there IS new Samsarra material written and ready to record. I live and work all over Earth, often in the Third World, so delays in new albums are unavoidable. I am currently in Vietnam, working on two "mini concept albums", or E.P.'s- "The Hagakure: In The Shadow of the Leaves" and "In Jerusalem". Much of the material is written for the next full-length album as well, but I am leaving room for new members to write and contribute. The next full length album will take some time to complete, so I am trying to find the new members and studio facilities to release these two shorter albums that I have written in the meantime.
Here is a brief preliminary look at the new material; Just a slow shortened acoustic version of "The Darkest Roads" filmed in May at the Pannee Lodge, Khao San Road, Bangkok, Thailand by my friend Roy Rasta-
Facebook Video link is below.
The Reverend Scott Braden Schwartz
Hello. All-
Welcome to My Official Site-
And Thank You all for caring enough about what I do to even drop by here.
May Buddha bless You All.
I regret the fact that I have been unable to give you new music. I live and work in the Third World, and finding facilities and competent musicians to work with is quite hard.
I have two albums of new music written and ready to soon as I find the people and places TO record.
More soon- while I draw breath.
Thank you.
The Reverend Scott Braden Schwartz
Singapore, Singapore
Welcome All-
Happy New Year and welcome to 2014!! I wish you all the best in this New Year.
Sadly, my plans to live, work and record in Paraguay this year fell through. Still, I want to send a huge "Gracias Por Todo" to my Metal Brother Oscar Ramirez for all of his help!! Best of luck, Mi Hermano- Rock on!! I hope to drink & Jam with you again somewhere.
I am still in Bogota, Colombia, finishing up some writing, choosing among my songs and preparing to record the fourth Samsarra album: "Hagakure: In The Shadow Of The Leaves". This will be the first Samsarra album written entirely by me, and will be at least half acoustic, composed mostly of the songs I have written on the road around the world in the last couple of years. I am also taking this opportunity to use some of the songs I have written over the years that have meaning to me, relating to My Famiy and My Life. This of course will be a mellower release than the previous three, but never fear- Samsarra will return to more extreme & heavier form on future releases!! I DO have MUCH more METAL for you.
In the next couple of months I will record the raw acoustic tracks here in Bogota send them out to my friends around Earth who will assist me with this album and we will go from there.
Thank you all for a decade of interest and support so far!!
And of course, as always, Thank You ( Sposibo, Toda, Gracias, Thanks Bro ) to My Brothers in The Russian Federation, Israel, Argentina & America who help me keep this going on an international basis- YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE- Shadi, Benny, Aldo & Adam. You Gentlemen RULE!!!
The Reverend Scott Braden Schwartz
Bogota, Colombia
Hello, All-
Thanks for stopping by my site. Please help yourself to free albums and MP3's of my last decade of work. There will be more soon, I promise, as long as I remain among the living.
I am healing well from the brutal Vietnam assault and the excellent Thailand surgery.
I have been "Home" to California and visited family and friends, and am now living in Bogota, Colombia.
I will play an acoustic show in Santiago, Chile on Tuesday; venue to be announced.
This will be my first show on this entire continent and my first since brutal assault and injuries and major surgery. Hopefully we will have video and photos.
I want to thank the People of Colombia and Peru for being so kind and welcoming to me.
I love your countries and your ancient culture.
When I return to Bogota, Colombia later this week I will begin tracking acoustic guitars and vocals for the next Samsarra album: "Hagakure: In The Shadow of the Leaves", the first Samsarra album entirely written by me.
-The Reverend Scott Braden Schwartz
-Cusco, Peru
Hello, All-
"Sa Wa De Kap?" from Bangkok. Thank you all for stopping by.
Due to recent attack/severe injury I will be unable to track any Vocal Work while I am in the United States this year. I was brutally attacked by strangers with chairs from behind in Nha Trang, Vietnam and sustained a broken jaw, among other injuries. I had to be evacuated to Thailand and am currently in Bangkok receiving medical treatment and waiting for surgery.
A huge "Cam on!" to my Vietnamese Friends and "Kob kun kop!" to my Thai Friends (And various Nepali, Canadian, Chinese, Dutch, Norwegian, Japanese, Belgian, Cambodian, Irish, English, Scottish, German, Israeli, Russian, Arab, Tibetan, American, etc. Friends) who have assisted me in this difficult time currently and during this past year out here around the world. It has been a Sacred Honor to meet You All.
I should be able to track some guitar work next month in California and hopefully lay down some vocal tracks in Colombia in the Fall once I heal some.
I just got a new tattoo here in Bangkok and will visit the Tiger Temple- might as well make the best of a horrid situaion, right?
Taking advantage of being in Bangkok and getting a new tattoo at Max Tattoo- FINALLY filling in my left calf! And playing with tigers ;).
More soon.
-The Reverend Scott Braden Schwartz
-Bangkok, Thailand
So...Ten years...Three albums...and I am not finished yet. Samsarra's next album, "Hagakure: In The Shadow Of The Leaves", will be entirely written by me, all songs (except one) already finished and ready for recording. This Fourth release will be about half acoustic and half Metal, made up mostly of material I have written out here on the road in the last year around the world. I will attempt to record and release as many songs as I can, given temporal, financial and health restraints. You can expect 3-6 new songs within the next twelve months.
I MAY choose to include two Unreleased studio bonus tracks from years past, if I have the time and finances to clean them up;). If not, then I will save them for our next full-length release; Under An Alien Sun. We have about haf of the songs written for that future release.
On a sader note:
Worst case scenario:
We may now lose this site because some of the staff of my hosting company are incompetent.
So...these may well be my final words here on this site.
I am doing EVERYTHING within my power to assure that this site endures.
It may stay, it may temporarily go dark, it may crumble into the dust of history- we shall see.
At any rate, many other places for Samsarra and my music will exist on the web- facebook, reverbnation, MySpace, youtube, etc. and while I draw breath, Samsarra will endure.
I want to thank EVERYONE who has helped in any way over this last decade- you have my eternal gratitude.
The Reverend Scott Braden Schwartz
Saigon, Vietnam
Hello All and thanks for dropping by!
Since the last post I have been through Vietnam (twice), Nepal and Back to Cambodia.
Played many places, met many wonderful people.
My Thanks to:
Universal Bar, Saigon, Vietnam; Old Blues Bar, Pokhara, Nepal; Project Skylounge, Pokhara, Nepal; Top Bananna, Phnom Phen, Cambodia and Showbox, Phnom Phen, Cambodia.
I am filming my live acoustic show at Showbox (Phnom Phen, Cambodia) on Friday, feb 22- come on by and be in it!
April should see a Thailand acoustic show, one or two in Perth, Australia and MAYBE one on Hong Kong.
Should track a new song or two soon, details to follow.
Happy Lunar New Year!
-The Reverend Scott Braden Schwartz
-Hoi An, Vietnam
Hail to All-
I want to thank the wonderful people of Cambodia and Thailand for welcoming me with open arms (and in the case of Thailand-welcoming me BACK). Thanks to the governments and the Royal Families of those nations as well.
I only played in Thailand at an English language educational conference, but I was employed at a Government school, so I consider that a good experience. I want to thank my host family in Si Sa Ket Province, my bro Alan and the Penne Lodge just off of Kao Sahn Road in Bangkok. I hope to see you all again in this life.
As for Cambodia-
I met MANY wonderful people and I WILL return. Soon-you have my word. I was honored enough to jam with some ex-pats and play some actual METAL with locals at Sharky Bar in Phnom Phen and play original acoustic sets at Top Bananna (Phnom Phen), Mad Monkey/Top Bananna (Seim Reap) and at The White Rabbit (Phnom Phen). Thanks to Vince, Todd, Noon and Anou.
I have been to The Killing Fields & S-21 and I weep for your suffering.
Off on Mekong River cruise to Vietnam- more soon.
-written in Phnom Phen, Cambodia
Welcome, All. I want to start by thanking the wonderful people of Israel- Jew, Muslim and Christian alike, for such a warm welcome. I wish I had had more time to wander your nation. Toda, Shukoram and Thank you!
I can also now say I have crossed the Green Line and travelled through the West Bank. Long couple of hours there, hahaha!
Especially thanks to my Israeli friends (Benny & Itai) and their families who welcomed me into their homes and to Mike's Place ( Tel Aviv (Yafo) and Jerusalem ) for being so cool to me and letting me play my music there. Huge Hails to those who climbed Masada with me: Benny, Yoni, Timor & Itai. Also to the Hotel Eilat in Tel Aviv and the Jaffa Gate Hostel in Jerusalem. Toda also to Adam Sheffer who came and jammed onstage with me in Jerusalem.
I am in the process of updating the website, but this process will take some time. Peace to you all.
-The Reverend Scott Braden Schwartz
Written in Moscow, Russian Federation
Hail and Welcome to All.
My wishes for peace to All from the Holy City of Jersalem.I just jammed in Tel Aviv last week and will do so again next Monday and Tuesday if anyone wants to come hang out with me - Mike's Place on the Tel Aviv Promenade. I will try to get some new mp3's and video up shortly.
The newest album, Coming Forth By Day is available in mp3 format on iTunes and Amazon, and cd's are available at CDBaby. 18 song multiple album + bonus tracks cd's are available from me personally wherever I am; currently Jerusalem, next week: Tel Aviv and from August 19-October: Bangkok/Si Saket, Thailand. After that, you can get them from me in Pokhara, Nepal.
The website finally has a new design! Graphics from Valgorth at in Argentina ( Muchas Gracias!). My deepest thanks to Michaela Schnell in Austria for eight years of hard work! Danke fur Alles, Mein Freund!!
I will post again soon, with new FREE video, mp3's & pictures. Feel free to add me on facebook- just search me by my full name. May Peace and Happiness be upon you ALL and your loved ones.
The Reverend Scott Braden Schwartz
Jerusalem, Israel
Hello, All!
Apologies for the long silence here, I have been quite busy. Never fear, Samsarra will carry on while I draw breath.
First of all, we released our third album, Coming Forth By Day on January 31st, 2012.
It is available on iTunes, Amazon and many other places. I regret that at this time I am unable to post it as a free
download here. Many people around the United States and the world contributed to the release and I am most grateful
to them all.I would also like to welcome and thank my new clothing sponser from Russia: - Great stuff- check it out!
And finally, I am booking acoustic solo shows in Israel this August, Thailand in September/October & Nepal after that.
So, I welcome booking inquiries and I hope to see everyone at these shows; they will be posted here/facebook/myspace
as they are arranged. Also, many thanks to my webmaster for 8 years of excellent service!
Thanks to you all- I will post again from Israel.
The Reverend Scott Braden Schwartz
Santa Barbara, California
Hello, All!
I apologise for the delay in the release of "Coming Forth By Day". I am currently serving as a Volunteer English Teacher at Mante Pani Gumba monastery in Pokhara, Nepal, teaching the Buddhists, as they teach me, lol. I return Stateside in December, and will have the album out before the first of the year. Thank you all for your years of Faith and Patience. I have decided that this will also be available as a FREE DIGITAL DOWNLOAD from our site here.
Hard copies will be made available to press/radio and such, and also at shows, whether full live Samsarra, or my own solo acoustic wherever on the globe that I may play.
Here is the cover- yet another masterpiece from the Argintinian legend, Valgorth.

The Reverend Scott Braden Schwartz
Pokhara, Nepal
Hello and Welcome to All!
Pardon my long silence- we have been quite busy.
The new album, Coming Forth By Day has been mastered, and all of the artwork is complete.
We should see a release shortly. Valgorth was also kind enough to redesign our myspace page,
so please check that out:
I am moving back to California this week to rejoin the rest of the band out there.
We should have some live shows shortly as well.
Thank you all for your interest and patience.
The Reverend Scott Braden Schwartz
St. Charles, Missouri
Hail to All who drop by here.
Just got back from a couple Manowar shows in Ohio! Great shows, great fans.
I love you all. Seeing Manowar play re-affirmed my commitment to giving you folks the best music that I can.
As always, we have line-up changes, but that shouldn't matter while I still draw breath, Samsarra will continue to record.
I am REALLY happy with this release, since many old friends joined me this time; Ruben, Gary, Matt & Terry- my deepest thanks.
And always, thanks to my Warbrother Sammy.
People come and go in our lives.I am always happy to have old friends come back and help me with my Work.
I'm not much longer for this world due to cancer issues, but while I breathe I fight and put out metal.
I will try and get at least two more albums out before I must exit the stage of life. While I still can.
We only have a couple things to clean up in the mix, and argentinian legend Valgorth will be doing the cover for us again.
So- we're looking at an april release as of now.
More to come VERY soon!
The Reverend Scott Braden Schwartz
St. Charles, Missouri
Welcome All!
My best wishes to all who stop by.
My warmest multi-national/denominational holiday wishes to you all and your
kin. Most of our cultures share early winter celebrations, so I hope none are
offended. And if You ARE...that's on you ;) And the same to all present and past members of Samsarra.
I am proud to announce several things today, and they are as follows:
1) I am neither dead nor retired.
2) ALL instrument tracking and ALL main vocal tracking has been finished for the new Samsarra release-
"Coming Forth By Day",(our second full-length & third release overall) .
We will finish all backing vocals, mixing & mastering before the New Year.
We expect a Feb/March release; Spring, lol.
AND I thank Adam & Dom Camardella at Santa Barbara Sound Design (California), Larry Cowsert at 12 Bar Productions (Missouri) & Seti Orion at Island Vortex (Hawaii) for their help in making this happen.
I also want to thank Maxwell Leatherman, Ruben Gonzalez, Terry Casserly & Gary Braun for helping Me complete this album- your work is excellent and appreciated.
*Purchase details will come soon.
3) The legendary Argintinian artist Valgorth has signed on to do the Cover Art for "Coming Forth By Day" - he also created "The Unbeliever" cover and I am MOST proud to have him back.
( )
4) Within the next six - nine months we will release a second version of "The Unbeliever" entitled " The Unbeliever - Sealed In Blood". This will be the definitive collection representing the First Seven Years of Samsarra.
The "Sealed In Blood" edition of "The Unbeliever" will feature three new studio tracks, as well as re-recorded, re-mixed and re-mastered versions of other songs, and will be released as a COMPLETELY FREE DIGITAL DOWNLOAD!!!
Lmao- my Gift to You for Your Years Of Belief.
So...Peace To All.
More Soon.
The Reverend Scott Braden Schwartz
St. Charles, Missouri
Hail and Salutations!
I am pleased to announce that I am neither dead nor retired ;)
ALL tracking (other than some vox) for the new Samsarra album- the long awaited "Coming Forth By Day" has been completed, thanks to Dom and Adam Camardella at Santa Barbara Sound Design, Seti Orion at Island Vortex (Hawaii) and Larry Cowsert and Travis King at 12 Bar Productions here in Missouri. My deepest thanks to ALL involved in this project.
One new track, "Product" has been posted on the mp3 page.
We expect a Fall release. More to come soon. Thank you all.
Reverend Scott
St. Charles, Missouri
Hello, All!
Pardon my long silence. I would first of all like to thank (from the deepest depths of my blackened heart and soul)
all who stop by here.
Your faith and support (and interest) mean a lot to all of us.
We have been hard at work on the new album, entitled "Under An Alien Sun".
We have finished up the last small parts of the writing process and are now in pre-production.
Two rough tracks have been posted on our Myspace page; "Product" and "Behind Enemy Lines". Go Check them out
We will begin recording in January.
I am long overdue to post a welcome here to Samsarra's new drummer: Maxwell Leatherman.
It has been quite nice to have fresh new blood infusing the metal.
I also want to thank Gary Braun of Stomprocket (
for volunteering his most excellent bass skills to this album!
There also will be various other local friends guesting on this album.
In other news, Sam and I will be moving to the Saint Louis, Mo. area in the near future to reunite with our old
friend and incredible bassist, Matt Skinner.
I hope the Midwest is ready for us ;).
Reverend Scott
Santa Barbara,Ca.
D-Day speaks with the Rev from Samsarra:
Check out the interview at
DDays Revenge Official Homepage!
Welcome All and Thanks for dropping by.
A most happy Spring (or Fall, if you live in the other hemisphere) is wished to You All!
My apologies for my long silence. The new album, "The Unbeliever", is available as a completely free digital download including all of Valgorth's amazing artwork on the "albums" tab, as is the first e.p., "Savor The Taste".
( I personally have found that the Winrar extractor works best for unzipping the albums). I have been busy working on the next Samsarra album, which has a working title of "Sealed In Blood", and will once again be a blend of new material and higher quality, partially re-recorded/mixed/mastered older material. There will be both Metal and Acoustic tracks, and I am about 99 % sure that I will release "Sealed In Blood" (most hopefully sometime in late 2009) as another free digital download to tide you all over until Sam, Terry and I finish writing and recording the next release, which I hope to get out in 2010.
I am also working on another overseas project that I can't divulge any info about at this point, other than to say.
I think there will be new Reverend Scott stuff to listen to in the relatively immediate future.
I want to also thank the media folks who have supported Samsarra; the webzines/webradio/websites/etc, like DDay's Revenge, Chronicles Of Chaos, Wicked Spins Radio,etc.
More To Come Soon!
Reverend Scott
My Best Wishes to All Who Stop By.
My warmest multi-national/denominational Holiday wishes to you all and your kin. Most of our cultures share early winter celebrations, so I hope none are offended.
And the same to all present and past members of Samsarra.
I have three (or four, depending upon how you divide these things up) announcements of Great Importance.
First of all, I would like to formally announce the completion of All recording for the new Samsarra album: "The Unbeliever", with completion officially achieved at 9:45 p.m. Pacific Standard Time on November 26th, 2008. (Thanks , Adam!)
The album is on schedule for the Official Release Date of December 21st, 2008- exactly four years before the end of the Mayan Calander and four years and seven months to the day after the release of the last Samsarra album, "Savor The Taste".
Again- thanks to the webmaster for keeping this site running, and making these spordaic announcements possible. I owe her a debt of Gratitiude that I can never repay.
Also- A Grande Muchas Gracias por Todo to Valgorth The Hammer Swinger in Argentina for his most amazing artistic and layout work on all exterior covers of "The Unbeliever", as well as several solid years of support and encouragement.
PLEASE visit his site: Secondly, I would like to thank my Producer and Recording Engineer, Adam Camardella for volunteering his most excellent drum work and backing vocal skill to track #10-"Grandad" which is my Eulogy for My Grandfather- and yes- I know it is fourteen years overdue; my apologies for the passing of the years. Joseph Brewer Schwartz was a decorated WWII Veteran-and I know that if the Fallen Warriors of the World have a place of Honor Somewhere- then he is among them.
Sleep Softly, Grandfather.
Thirdly & Fourthly, I would like to announce the "Return To The Fold" of two old Friends and Band members: Terry Casserly & Sam McPherson, who were with me on the 1996 Sheister album, "Program In Force". Terry is a most amazing bass and acoustic flamenco player and a friend of mine from high school, and Sam is a friend of over fifteen years and the best guitarist I have ever had the pleasure of writing / working with.
In Other Words- I have 3/4 of My "Dream Team" assembeled now, and we have already written about half of the next Samsarra album, "Coming Forth From Day", which of course will feature another most excellent artistic masterpiece from Valgorth for the cover.
*Secret Fifth Announcement-
Lmao ;)
There will, in the near future, be a first full-length Juggling Chainsaws album featuring Adam, Sam, Terry and I alongside Original Samsarra Drummer Scott Cummings who has graciously volunteered his percussion skills to me once again. Feel free to download the free first Samsarra album featuring Scott C. and I on the "mp3" tab.
(Yes- Carlie Pearson Nelson- "I Never Said Goodbye " will be on this JC album ;))
As I have stated-
The Unbeliever will be available on this site as a free digital mp3 download with all artwork, etc starting December 21st, 2008. Hard copies, of a higher sound quality, of course, will be available for a minimal processing/shipping fee- and YES- I SHIP WORLDWIDE!!!!
All Media inquiries regarding press copies , etc. may be addressed to me by using the Official contact form - easily found on the "Contact " tab here.
*Also- I believe Michaela has uploaded another track from "The Unbeliever" into the Mp3 page- "Beside Still Waters (Live)" as a free download.
*The "pictures" tab will actually have some new stuff on it as soon as my wonderful So. Cal. Friend Melissa Ramos gets me those jpegs back;) Thanks Hun;)- You rock!
Again, Melissa-thanks for your years of help and support, especially with the lyrics for my Daath audition and the picture processing.
Also- Special long-overdue thanks to Jordyn Dakota Dawn Anderson in Ohio for four solid years of support and promotion. I Hope McKenna had a most wonderful B-Day Yesterday.
My Best Wishes...Always.
And also a most sincere thanks to Johnny and Linda Fulks for flying me out to Virginia and putting me up in June- had a lot of fun running around those "War Between The States" Battlefields. I hope this album cover doesn't offend the Family too much. (Please remember- I'm attacking The actual organized Catholic Church here-not anyone's personal faith).
My Most Sincere Blessings and Gratitude to All Who Care.
A most warm and special holiday season is wished upon you all.
Also- a most sincere thank you to all of my family and friends who have endured me this long;) I love you all.
-The Reverend Scott Braden Schwartz
Santa Barbara, California
December 5th, 2008.
Welcome One and All-
On this most Solemn of American days, let's all take a moment and
remember the men and women of all nations who lost their lives in those
horrible and unprovoked attacks in New York, Shanksville, Pa and
Washington, D.C. that were fueled by religion and religious hate.
Today is September 11, 2008- seven years later; I like to think we are
safer today and a little closer towards a day of peace.
I am most proud to publicly release the Art for the forthcoming
Samsarra album, "The Unbeliever". This amazing work was created by non
other than the Legendary Argintinian Artist- Valgorth.
Visit his site:

I have used the space on the back cover to thank those whithout whom
this work would not be possible. There are many more expressions of
gratitude and other info on the inside of the front and back covers,
never fear- I haven't forgotten anyone...yet;).

AND- Samsarra is a using a new logo, designed by Valgorth & Reverend Scott.

While I don't mean to personally offend anyone.
I hope this album moves us all a little farther away from organized
religion and the hatred and intolerance that those belief systems spawn.
More to come VERY soon.
Thank you All.
-The Reverend Scott Braden Schwartz
-September 11th, 2008
-Santa Barbara, California
I regret to inform you all that I am neither dead nor retired.
There will be at least one Samsarra e.p. released this year- hopefully two, if life, time and finances allow it.
I once again want to thank all of those who have taken the time to even stop by this page and read my words.
On that note, please know that these next words about the New Year are meant to make the world a better place .
As we say goodbye to another year and look forward with hope to the
new one fast approaching, let us remember some things we still need to
change to make this world a place worth bringing children into.
Tens of thousands of children starve to death every day.
1 in 4 people on the continent of Africa ( Mother Continent to the entire Human Race ) are infected with HIV.
The catholic church is run by a nazi- an actual member of Hitler's
armies- and no one but me seems to find this disturbing. I shouldn't be
suprised, considering the church's complicity during the Holocaust.
The abrahamic religions ( judaism/ christianity /islam ) still exist
- and poison billions with their ancient hatreds. Some progress must be
made towards eradicating organized religion if we want to survive as a
species. Religion is our vestigal tail- the last lingering primitive thing from the dark times in the caves that we still cling to.
And on that note- Best wishes to all.
Reverend Scott
08/21/07 All is well. I hope the same is true for all of you. Thank you for coming by. Things are underway once again, and I will have more to post soon.
I have been busy getting one of my older bands, Sheister, going again. You
can find the links to that in the Projects section of this site.
I am still working on the next album, with new members and new material.
These things take time to do right, but still I apologise for my long
Scott "The Rev" Schwartz
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